I've been away for a few days since I was so tired and flattened I was boring myself. Only working a lot of shifts, nothing dramatic, although I seem to have rediscovered my inner lunatic and am laughing and generally behaving idiotically. Tonight I think I freaked out a colleague by declaring "TASTES LIKE CHICKEN" apropos of nothing. Oops, sorry.
Today I had a Nanna nap during the day. Unfortunately I wound up having a fairly unpleasant dream, to be woken by (I thought) knocking at the door. I check the door and no-one is there. Then the dream I was having was running through my head and I realised I'd actually dreamed it.
That's interesting, methinks, and I boot up google to find me a dream interpreter. Apparently I am either about to come into money, I need to pay attention to something or, last but not least, something bad is going to happen and it will affect me deeply. (Personally I would have assumed that the part of the package of "something bad" would include "affect me deeply", but let me not be picky in the face of the wisdom of the intey-net). I would like to go with the first one, since when I woke up I thought it was Australia Post delivering some goodies.
Rather than being put off or put out by this, I think this is very funny. Either something good (ish), something in the middle or something bad.
Well let me face that off with:
- A shrug, and
- Giggling. Lots and lots of giggling.
That should cover all eventualities.