Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Not A Lot To Say

But I'll say all of it anyway.

The weather today is cold and rainy. It's nice to be inside and warm. I feel sorry for our cat, who I just surprised sleeping, all puffed out fur, on the table outside. Since her other choices are all concrete, I'm not rousting her from the one possibly comfortable position she might have found. I'll get up again soon and throw her inside. She's one step above (or is that below?) feral and doesn't like being inside. But it's cold and miserable enough today that she might just cool it. Poor lamb.

Yes, she only has one eye. Damn all tom cats!

It's very soothing sort of weather. I think I will go for a walk in it later just for the hell of it. Without my umbrella, otherwise what is the point?

I was at a residential school at Charles Sturt University in Wagga when the drought first started to bite in. It rained one particular day. You could tell all of the city people who eyed the sky with various degrees of scowl and tried to stay under cover. All of the country people looked at each other, smiling, walking right out in it. Cool.

Of course I was the cross-over city slicker and smiled at all the country people while I walked right out in it. It taught me something too - but it's so obvious I don't think I need to say it.

Nice that it's raining today to remind me after the bull plop day yesterday. Half of which was about my attitude rather than actual events. I like the universe.

Lucky for me. I'm sure it cares.